Bjartur frá Borgarnesi

FEIF-ID: IS2019136317
Farbe: Windfarben/Rappwindfarben (Windfarben) / blaue Augen
Stockmass: 143 cm
Orri and Glampi free stallion

Bjartur is a young stallion born in 2019. He came to us from Iceland last year and we immediately noticed his very gentle, cooperative character. He is very friendly and polite, both towards people and other horses.

He is a five gaiter, in the field he shows all 5 gaits with extreme suppleness and big movement. His trot is powerful


Vater:Logi frá Ármóti   Mutter:Sunna frá Þverholtum
VV:Glotti frá Sveinatungu   MV:Glampi frá Langárfossi
VM:Virðing frá Hala   MM:Svarta Blesa frá Höfða

Zuchtwertschätzung (BLUP):

Merkmal BLUP Merkmal BLUP
Tölt: 91 Kopf: 100
Trab: 95 Hals: 101
Schritt: 95 Rückenlinie: 98
Galopp: 94 Proportionen: 104
Rennpass: 98 Gliedmaßen: 96
Gehwille: 95 Gelenke: 96
Form: 91 Hufe: 99
Mähne: 100
Reiteigenschaften: 90 Gebäude: 100


Bedeckung: in der Herde


Frá Þyrnihofi
Daisy Cosijn
Tige de Xhos
B-4160 Anthisnes
